Pregnancy-safe products

It is important to look at the ingredient list of all your skin care products, before trying to get pregnant, or finding out that you are expecting (whichever comes first!) Whilst some ingredients are not safe to use whilst pregnant, many products still are, so fear not, your skin can still look healthy during pregnancy.

Ingredients that are not safe (contraindicated) in pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding include:

  • Hydroquinone and Arbutin
  • Retinol, Retinaldehyde, Tretinoin
  • Benzoyl Peroxide

This means, from the Obagi range, the following products must be stopped when you are trying to become pregnant, or find out that you are expecting, and during breast feeding:

  • Obagi Nu-Derm: Clear/Clear Fx, Blender/Blend Fx
  • Retinoids: Retinol, Retinaldehyde, Tretinoin
  • Obagi-C: Clarifying Serum, Therapy Night Cream
  • CLENZIderm M.D.: Foaming Cleanser, Pore Therapy, Therapeutic Lotion
  • OBAGI360: Retinol

However, there are PLENTY of safe and effective Obagi skin care treatments that you CAN USE …

CLEANSERS: Nu-Derm Gentle Cleanser £59 (perfect if you experiencing oily skin and breakouts), Nu-Derm Foaming Gel £59, Obagi-C Cleansing Gel £49.50 (great for treating oily skin and breakouts), OBAGI 360 Exfoliating Cleanser £53

TONERS: Nu-Derm Toner £59, Obagi-C Balancing Toner £49.50

EXFOLIATORS: Nu-Derm Exfoderm/Exfoderm Forte £110, Professional-C Polish + Mask £115

SERUMS: Professional-C Serums 110-160(perfect for targeting pigmentation issues), Professional-C Peptide Complex 133.50, ELASTIderm Facial Serum 184

EYES: ELASTIderm Eye Cream £126, ELASTIderm Eye Complete Complex Serum £126

MOISTURISERS: Obagi Hydrate £60, Obagi Hydrate Luxe £75, Obagi Daily Hydro-Drops £88

SUN PROTECTION: Obagi Sun Shield £70 (to protect against pigmentation changes), Obagi Sun Shield TINTS £70

To discuss any skin changes you are experiencing during pregnancy, or to order any of these pregnancy and breastfeeding safe products, click below.