A skincare regime with topical products containing active ingredients such as tretinoin and hydroquinone can help you restore an even skin tone. Both ingredients are prescription-only and available within the Obagi range, complementing each other by targeting different skin concerns, from pigmentation to fine lines and wrinkles, both of which result in premature ageing of the skin.
Hydroquinone is a topical skin lightener, which essentially bleaches the skin and blocks the skin process that leads to discolouration. As a result, it improves hyperpigmentation, sun damage, age spots, acne scarring, rosacea, etc. Sunscreen is an essential aspect of the hydroquinone treatment because even minimal exposure to the sun can increase melanocytic activity, the process which causes hyperpigmentation. Therefore sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher should be worn daily, especially when using hydroquinone.
Tretinoin is a retinoid — a vitamin A derivative — that works by increasing skin cell turnover. This means dead skin cells are cleared off your skin more quickly and new skin cells rise to the surface, promoting skin regeneration.

Obagi NuDerm is available for both Normal/Oil and Normal/Dry skin types. Each System contains:
- Gentle Cleanser (dry skin) – £59, Foaming Gel (oily skin) – £59
- Toner – £59
- Clear Fx (prescription 4% hydroquinone, arbutin, lactic acid, antioxidants) – £142.50
- Exfoderm (dry skin) – £110, Exfoderm Forte (oily skin) – £110
- Blend Fx (prescription 4% hydroquinone, arbutin, lactic acid, antioxidants) – £132
- Hydrate (moisturiser) – £60
- Sun Shield Matte SPF50 (sunscreen) – £70
- Tretinoin 0.025-0.1% (prescription vitamin A) – £110-140
Obagi NuDerm System – £525 (a saving of £232.50!)